Sealing the concrete helps preserve or enhance the beauty of your surfaces and make surfaces easier to clean and maintain.
Enhances the beauty of the stone, resists salt, chloride, and makes graffiti cleanup easier. Gives the stone the “wet look.” Two coats applied. A solvent base gloss sealer, used mainly on EX finishes (exposed aggregate), produces deep rich colors in the aggregate. Also available on SB finishes by special order.
Clear penetrating, non-visible, water repellent sealers can be used when gloss finish is not desired. Two coats applied. Used on EX and SB finishes to provide protection against the elements.
Water base semi-gloss sealer used on EX and SB finishes to enhance and deepen the color of the finish it is applied. Two coats are applied.
Blok-Guard & Graffiti Control 11 – Prosoco *not shown
2 Coats are applied. Helps make graffiti clean up easier
Special finishes contain pigments, white cement or special aggregate that are transported from out-of-state. Extra charges are based on material, batch size and quantity. Prices are quotes on a per-job basis. Call for more information.

The photographs provided above are to show how different sealers effect the appearance when applied.
Sand: washed torpedo sand.
Stone: 3/8″ washed gravel.
Cement: very light gray color 7 to 7.5 bags per cubic yard.
Water reducers used to increase durability. Chemically entrained air (6-8%) causes concrete to be salt & chloride resistant. Average strength (after 28 days) 5000 PSI minimum. Concrete cured indoors under plastic cover before exposure to outside air. EXPECTED LIFE OF CONCRETE 30 YEARS MINIMUM. MEETS ASTM SPECIFICATIONS.
Doty & Sons Concrete diamond grinds the top surfaces of bench, table, & seats and softens edges and sides leaving beautiful surfaces. Diamond ground depth varies with finish. Exposed aggregate finishes are diamond ground removing the top surface of the aggregate. The finished surface will be smooth, but slightly dimpled. Sandblast finishes are diamond ground smooth. Finishes shown are close up photos before diamond grinding.